


Our purpose as an organization is to help individuals take responsibility for their lives, their organizations and their communities by inspiring purposeful leading and living. Our perspective boils down to the straight-forward approach that says one’s character is foundational, and upon this foundation skills are then developed.  Our Inside First® framework recognizes that our culture, in general, is self-focused and places winning over collaboration.  The Alliance focuses on personal development, getting clear direction on one’s purpose, versus the classic leadership approach advocated by most universities or institutes which focuses on skill development.  As a public charity, our “alliance” signals we are a group of cooperating and collaborative entities that can be greater than the sum of its parts.


Why is Inside First different?  Three reasons.  First, it incorporates the spiritual dimension of leading and living, without advocating for any particular perspective.  Secondly, it starts with building one’s character before focusing on skills.  And thirdly, it’s offered preferably in small groups, 6-7 individuals.


The Alliance has two approaches; one offers larger scale presentations by thought-leaders on topics relevant to purposeful leading and living.  The other offers small scale programs, 6-7 people, in an in-depth experiential learning setting starting with a private retreat and then running monthly for several hours over an extended period.  Over a twenty-five year period, more than 250 leaders in the Vail Valley have participated in either a RoundTable or a Foundations of Leadership experience.  Many of these individuals are now in primary leadership roles throughout the community; Mayor of Vail, Chairman of the Eagle County Commissioners, CEO of Vail Mountain, President of SteamMaster, and many other examples.

The Vail Alliance

Our purpose as an organization is to help individuals take responsibility for their lives, their organizations and their communities by inspiring purposeful leading and living. Our perspective boils down to the straight-forward approach that says one’s character is foundational, and upon this foundation skills are then developed.  Our Inside First™ framework recognizes that our culture, in general, is self-focused and places winning over collaboration.  The Alliance focuses on personal development, getting clear direction on one’s purpose, versus the classic leadership approach advocated by most universities or institutes which focuses on skill development.  As a public charity, our “alliance” signals we are a group of cooperating and collaborative entities that can be greater than the sum of its parts.

How is Inside First™ different?

Three reasons:

First, it starts with the premise that building a strong character founded on positive values should come before focusing on skill development, and that this approach is critical for purposeful leading and living.

Secondly, this practice recognizes the significance of understanding one’s spiritual dimension without advocating for any particular perspective.

And thirdly, we’ve found that openly sharing of gifts, talents and strengths needed for personal growth happens best in dialogue in small groups of 6-7 individuals.

Our Approach

The Alliance has two approaches; one offers larger scale presentations by thought-leaders on topics relevant to purposeful leading and living.  The other offers small scale programs, 6-7 people, in an in-depth experiential learning setting starting with a private retreat and then running monthly for several hours over an extended period.  Over a twenty-five year period, more than 250 leaders in the Vail Valley have participated in either a RoundTable or a Foundations of Leadership experience.  Many of these individuals are now in primary leadership roles throughout the community; Mayor of Vail, Chairman of the Eagle County Commissioners, CEO of Vail Mountain, President of SteamMaster, and many other examples.

Leaders Network

As our organization expands, we’ve launched a nonprofit membership network dedicated to fostering connections and support among individuals and organizations committed to purpose-driven leadership and living. Through the principles and practices of our Inside First™ framework, members contribute to advancing our mission of empowering individuals, groups, and communities. Join our community and embark on a journey to inspire purposeful leadership and navigate life and work transitions with confidence.

“First cleanse the inside that the outside might be clean as well.”

Jesus of Nazareth