Leaders Network
As part of our growing organization, we’ve established a nonprofit membership network. This network is a group of people and organizations seeking to support and stay connected to the world of purposeful leading and living and the principles and practices of our Inside First® framework. Membership contributions help advance our work with individuals, groups, and the community. Join us as we inspire people to lead purposefully and to navigate life and work transitions.

General Benefits
All members, regardless of level, receive the following benefits:
- Discounted registration fees on programs and events
- Quarterly eNewsletter
- Invitations to various Alliance events and programs like our Purposeful Living Series with the Vail Symposium
- Opportunity to participate in Café Conversations
- Periodic member Zoom gatherings with authors, scholars, and coaches
Contribution: $100
Introductory membership for those simply interested in staying connected to the Alliance and informed about what’s evolving.
- General Benefits listed above, plus:
- Invitations to Leaders Network Mixers
Contribution: $250
Expanded membership for those who want a greater level of involvement, particularly those who have participated in a RoundTable.
- General Benefits listed above, plus:
- Monthly “purposeful musings” eMessages from The Spiritual Path of Purpose
- Periodic Leadership Perspectives Book Reviews
Contribution: $500
Advanced membership level for individuals and organizations who desire a more robust involvement and participation in existing programs and new offerings.
- General Benefits listed above, plus:
- Brief consultation on our Inside First® Assessment (in development)
- Hosting or facilitating privileges at a Café Conversation
Organizational Partnership Levels
In addition to the general membership benefits listed above, organizational partners receive the following benefits:
Contribution: $1,000
- Recognition of your support on our website.
- Two one-hour workshops in-person or via Zoom with your team or organization, chosen from a list of our topics.
- Promotion of your relevant work and programs via our website and social media platforms.
Contribution: $2,500
- All Silver benefits, plus:
- Four one-hour workshops in-person or via Zoom with your team or organization, chosen from a list of our topics.
- Invitation for a representative of your organization to speak at or co-facilitate an event with us, by mutual agreement.
Contribution: $5,000
- All Gold benefits, plus:
- Featured recognition of your support on our website
- One-day workshop in-person or via Zoom with your team or organization, chosen from a list of our topics.
- Opportunity to make one announcement per year in our email newsletter.
Eagle River Council Level
A select group of senior community leaders whose purpose is to support the personal transition of individuals into a more purposeful leading and living approach. Members are asked to serve as mentors in a specific RoundTable program for one year or contribute in comparable ways. This group also provides counsel to the Vail Alliance Board of Trustees.
Contribution: $10,000
- Featured recognition on our website and recognition at our public events.
- Complimentary participation in a private annual Eagle River Council luncheon.
- Promotion of your relevant work and programs via our website and social media platforms.
- One-day workshop in-person or via Zoom with your team or organization, chosen from a list of our topics.
- Signed copy of three books from our purposeful living and leading library (e.g., choose among:) The Power of Purpose by Richard Leider, The Spiritual Path of Purpose by John Horan-Kates, LIFE Entrepreneurs by Gregg Vanourek, Triple Crown Leadership by Bob and Gregg Vanourek or The Leader’s Journal by John Horan-Kates.

Leadership Network Membership
Interested in becoming a member of the Leadership Network? Fill out the form below to get in contact and learn more.
Please make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 2482, Edwards, CO 81632